6.02 8:00 AM 08:00 – 6.02 1:00 PM 13:00
South 28-33 m/s (100-120 km/hour) and gusts over 50 m/s (180 km/hour). Rain, considerable in places. Wind damage is likely and high water levels and transport disruption are anticipated. Traveling is not advised. Traveling is not advised. High waves and storm surge is expected. High waves and storm surge is expected. For further information see: https://en.vedur.is/alerts
Icelandic Met OfficeWiatr
5.02 7:00 PM 19:00 – 6.02 1:00 AM 01:00
South and southwest 23-30 m/s (80-110 km/hour) and gusts over 35 m/s (145 km/hour), but a little slower winds for some time in the evening. Rain, considerable in places. Wind damage is likely and high water levels and transport disruption are anticipated. Traveling is not advised. High waves and storm surge is expected. For further information see: https://en.vedur.is/alerts
Icelandic Met OfficeNastępne 24 godziny
Dzisiejsza pogoda na świecie
+9° 48°
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+24° 75°
Miejsce najcieplejsze i najzimniejsze
Santiago del Estero, Argentína
+43.6° 110°
Tomás Gomensoro, Uruguay
+40.6° 105°
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+39.1° 102°
Puerto Morazán, Nikaragua
+34° 93°
Pasaquina, El Salvador
+33.1° 92°
Murghob, Tadzsikisztán
-25.3° -14°
Sŭngjibaegam, Korea, Észak
-26.9° -16°
Point Hope, Egyesült Államok
-29.4° -21°
Pond Inlet, Kanada
-36° -33°
Szuszuman, Oroszországi Föderáció
-49.3° -57°