6.02 10:00 AM 10:00 – 6.02 3:00 PM 15:00
South 28-33 m/s (100-120 km/hour) and gusts over 50 m/s (180 km/hour). Rain, considerable in places. Wind damage is likely and high water levels and transport disruption are anticipated. Traveling is not advised. Traveling is not advised. For further information see: https://en.vedur.is/alerts
Icelandic Met OfficeWiatr
6.02 8:00 AM 08:00 – 6.02 10:00 AM 10:00
South 20-28 m/s (72-100 km/hour) and gusts over 35 m/s (145 km/hour). Rain, considerable for some time. Wind damage is likely and transport disruption are anticipated. Traveling is not advised. For further information see: https://en.vedur.is/alerts
Icelandic Met OfficeNastępne 24 godziny
Dzisiejsza pogoda na świecie
+9° 48°
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+24° 75°
Miejsce najcieplejsze i najzimniejsze
Santiago del Estero, Argentína
+43.6° 110°
Baltasar Brum, Uruguay
+40.6° 105°
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+40° 104°
Desmochados, Paraguay
+39.1° 102°
San José de Las Conchas, Honduras
+36° 97°
Murghob, Tadzsikisztán
-25.3° -14°
Sŭngjibaegam, Korea, Észak
-26.9° -16°
Pond Inlet, Kanada
-36° -33°
Genhe, Kína
-40.6° -41°
Szuszuman, Oroszországi Föderáció
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